Ben Petrillo

Student, creator, developer.

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My Projects

Ponjo Studios

We are a group of committed developers and hardworking organizers with the goal to develop customized programs and software for our clients. We are committed to our work, and we dedicate ourselves to create work that benefits the public. The Ponjo Development Team was initially founded as a side hobby, but it has become much more than that since then.

Java TypeScript Python JavaScript PHP HTML CSS

We're dedicated to serving the community and providing numerous open-source projects for educational purposes: we want to inspire existing developers and help them learn more about the development workspace. Being a member of a development team is much more than simply coding. It's about collaborating with fellow developers, about planning & testing projects and applications, about analyzing existing work. No one person has all the necessary skills to complete a project: it's about working together.

Bootstrap NPM & Node.js MongoDB SQLite, MySQL Ubuntu Cloudflare NGINX GitHub JDA, Discord.js React Intellij IDEs

I'm so happy you're interested in learning more about us. I truly hope you learn more about the world of development from checking out our work, and I hope you become inspired to make your ideas a reality in the development workspace. To learn more about our work and projects, click the button below.

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LGBTQfy is a simple LGBTQIA+ pride avatar generator. Easily express yourself and your identity by adding pride flag colors & flairs around your profile picture for use on popular social media platforms.

The process of adding pride flairs to your profile picture is extremely simple. First, choose the appropriate flairs you would like to add to the borders of your avatar using the site's built-in accordion. Next, upload your avatar to the website. Then, you can modify the size of the avatar and the orientation of the pride flairs and stripes. Finally, save your new avatar to your computer by clicking the button "Download new avatar as JPEG!". It's as simple as that.

For developers: the pride flair generation feature also has a public API. To learn more about this, check out the Pronoun API; more info can be found below.

Check it out!
Ponjo Image Hosting

Ponjo Image Hosting is a free image hosting service provided by Ponjo Studios. A free, easy-to-use image hosting service developed by Ponjo Studios. It supports a variety of applications such as Discord, WhatsApp, Twitter, and more. Easily store your images without a hassle.

All images are stored securely within our databases. Developed with availability and security as top priorities, we provide reliable hosting, so you can upload as many images as you want, when you want. We are always working on new ways to improve our hosting service to provide the best user experience possible.

Click below to learn more and start uploading your images today!

Ponjo Hosting

RoboEerie is my personal Discord bot that serves a variety of purposes, including moderation, entertainment, and more. It was designed with the goal of being a fun, easy-to-use bot that can be used by anyone, with an easy setup and a large amount of features.

Some features include fully integrated slash commands, a tag system, moderation commands such as /kick, /ban, and /timeout, a full-tier auto-moderation system, a /meme command, a /poll command, announcement management, verification, and more.

RoboEerie is an open-sourced bot written in TypeScript, and its source code is available on GitHub. You can view the source code by clicking below. If you're looking for a bot that can be used by anyone, RoboEerie is for you. If you're looking for a bot that can be used by only you, you can download the bot from GitHub and run it locally. You can also view the documentation by clicking below.

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Seamlessly style your frontend projects with this clean & minimalistic CSS library. With a clean materialistic approach, your frontend projects will become pleasant to view and easy to navigate.

View the source code and documentation below.

Elixir Music

Elixir is an advanced music bot for your Discord server with support for countless platforms. Enjoy your favorite tunes with fast load times, pristine audio quality, and more -- all without the hassle of having to download and install a bunch of software.

We support popular music platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. You can play music by inputting a search query or by using a direct link to a song. Elixir has 4 separate instances, so different people in your server can listen to different tracks. Unlike any other Discord music bot, Elixir has a powerful queue management system. View all tracks in the queue, and their hyperlinks. Skip to any track in the queue by its position, view data about any track, and more. Arguably Elixir's signature feature, Elixir has a playlist system that allows you to create and share playlists with your friends across Discord. All custom playlists are global and can be viewed and played by all people in Elixir's userbase. Customize your custom playlist to your liking -- add songs, remove songs, add playlists, set the playlist's name, set a description, a cover URL, and more. Configure your playlist to start with a custom volume, a custom loop setting, and extras. Elixir can fetch lyrics for any song you want. This feature is powered by Genius.

In addition, Elixir music also has a fully-functional REST API that allows developers to interact directly with Elixir from their own applications. With easy-to-use endpoints and simple JSON responses, Elixir is a powerful tool for developers to customize our services to their likings.

View the docs!
Ponjo API

The Ponjo API is a powerful REST API that serves all your developer utility needs. Countless endpoints, fast response times, and JSON responses. Integrating utility services into your application has never been easier. Easily integrate cool features to your Discord bots and other applications, and obtain various types of data from the endpoints. Popular endpoints include:

Data Endpoint Card Deck Endpoint Elixir Music Endpoint Game Query Endpoint Image Manipulation Endpoint Miscellaneous Endpoint Pride Endpoint Random Endpoint SCP Foundation Endpoint Service Endpoint

If you're looking for an API with a reliable uptime and tons of features at your disposal, the Ponjo API is for you. With easy-to-read documentation and a robust selection of resources, you'll be able to add powerful components to your projects in no time. Obtain an API key below.

Try it yourself!
The Pronoun API

The Pronoun API is an advanced LGBTQ+ resource and utility API that provides developers with all the resources they would ever need to fuse their applications with LGBTQ content, data, and assets.

This API is embedded into the Ponjo API and provides the following features: a plethora of pride flags that can be easily accessed and used in your applications, a pronoun dictionary and data lookup in JSON format, an endpoint to add pride flairs to profile pictures, a full sexual orientation wiki in JSON format, and more.

Want to learn more? Check out the endpoint below.

Pronoun API
SCP-062 OS

Per the SCP Foundation, "SCP-062 is an unbranded personal desktop computer housed in an aluminum case of indeterminate manufacture. Its operating system, data, and performance differ upon every activation."

SCP-062 OS is a Discord bot for the SCP Foundation. It permits foundation personnel of Level I or higher to access anomaly data and other foundation information. The bot has a wide variety of features, including but not limited to: fetching information on any SCP anomaly, a feature to listen in to the SCP Foundation's radio, and easy access to the Foundation's branches, sites, areas, and containment procedures for specific anomalies.

SCP-062 OS is written in Java and powered by JDA. It is open-sourced and available on GitHub. You can view the source code to self-host it by clicking below. You can also feel free to make a pull request if you'd like to contribute to the development of the bot.

View Source Code

PonjoPyWrapper is the official Python wrapper for the Ponjo API. Instead of having to make raw requests to the API in Python, you can now use this wrapper to build custom requests and obtain the data you want with efficiency and ease.

The documentation and GitHub repository can be found below.

The Helios Network

Helios Practice was a public Minecraft practice PVP server for the Bedrock Edition variant of the game. The network reached a total of more than 9400 registered players and a peak of 32 concurrently online players. Due to a lack of developer motivation, time, and interest in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition community itself, as well as the notorious reason of financing, Helios Practice closed official on February 1st, 2021, marking the end of the server's 8-month period, being officially released on June 14th, 2020.

Practice Core

General: Staff permissions/op permissions, anticheat with autoclicker and reach detections, alias system, anti-alt system, alert notifications if a player joins with alternate accounts, good-healing pots, functional scoreboards, combat logger, pearl cooldown system with smooth XP bar formatting, Discord server status webhooks, and a CPS counter mod above the hotbar.

FFA Arena System: Scoreboards with ping, TPS, and arena name, auto-rekit on kill, custom kill messages (blown to smithereens, sent to the moon, etc.), lightning on kill, and custom smooth knockback that varies for each arena.

Duel System: Ranked & unranked gamemodes (NoDebuff, Gapple, Combo, Sumo, BuildUHC), fully configurable in the config.yml, and scoreboards with player ping, map name, opponent name, and CPS.

Sumo Event Core

Featuring a fully customizable config, with options for the world in which the sumo event will take place as well as the coordinates for both spawn points, an automated requeue system, timer tasks for the event start, matches, and the end of the event, and a broadcast feature that announces the event to all online players.

UHC Core

Fully functional UHC practice, with custom scenarios, Discord support, staff event management, automated border control, and more.

From the owners & developers: On behalf of the Helios staff team, we'd like to give a big thanks to all of those who helped make Helios what it was back then. To see the server progress as far as it did is something that still blows our minds today. It would have never been possible without a committed staff & development team.

Helios Network

PonjoPastes is a functional text block platform that allows you to easily share snippets of code or text blocks with your friends. Annoyed by a character limit for your favorite messaging application? PonjoPastes has you covered.


PonjoPastes has an easy-to-use REST API that allows developers to create, publish, and fetch pastes by ID. All responses are returned in an easy-to-understand JSON format. The API is perfect if you'd like to create or access pastes from your own services. With detailed documentation available on our website, you'll be able to use the API in no time.

Syntax Highlighting

PonjoPastes has a feature that automatically detects the programming language of a specific block of code and highlights syntax accordingly. First, specify whether you'd like your snippet to be highlighted. Then, create a title, then submit. Simple, slick, elegant.

Game API

This is an (unofficial) REST API designed to allow developers to quickly and easily obtain player statistics for games like Halo Infinite & League of Legends, the first-person shooter game. Obtain kills, deaths, streaks, and more valuable information with this easy-to-use API. No API key or authorization is needed. This API is not affiliated with any game.

Game API